You Are Ready
I will start when I’m ready
How many times have we told ourselves this?
And there there’s:
When I feel motivated
When I have the perfect plan
When the timing is right
When I have the confidence to know I can stick to it perfectly
When it’s the New Year
When it’s Monday
When I lose the weight, I’ll start exercising (that’s one of my favorites)
SO MANY of us want to start a health and fitness journey but we tell ourselves that all of these conditions have to be in place before we’re able to finally do it.
Do you know how I know this??
For years
But you know what…the timing is never right. And, we are never truly “ready”. Motivation doesn’t strike one day like a magical gift from the Heavens. It just doesn’t work this way…although I wish it did!
Let me tell you a little secret… the day I started tracking macros and lifting weights in my guest bedroom, I didn’t feel ready. AT ALL.
But I was FED UP. And, I felt DESPERATE. And, I was willing to give it a try.
I was scared I wouldn’t be able to do the exercises. At nearly 200lbs and in the throes of perimenopause, I was already exhausted. I was afraid I’d start and not keep going…that I’d let myself down like I had so many times before.
And here’s what I told myself: Just get through TODAY.
I didn’t think about tomorrow, or the next month or God forbid the rest of my life! That was way too overwhelming.
I just wanted to show up for myself and do all the things I needed to do in order to get my health back that one day. And, the next day, I did it again.
Four years later…I’ve strung together a lot of “just todays”. And now, prioritizing my nutrition and my weightlifting are simply part of who I am.
It gets easier.
And, here’s the thing that I REALLY want you to understand: ACTION OFTEN COMES BEFORE MOTIVATION.
It does.
If you can get yourself moving in the right direction…you don’t even have to want to… and you for sure don’t have to feel “ready”…you’ll gain momentum.
Each day will be a little easier. And, motivation will follow. One day at a time.
How do you start? There are so many ways!
But, you can start right now with these three simple actions:
- Put more protein on your plate
- Eat mainly whole, natural foods
- Move more…start taking walks. Even 15 minutes a day moves the needle.
Build from here. Action begets action.
Messy, imperfect, unsure ACTION. That’s where we start! JUST DO IT!
You ARE READY. You are!
In Your Corner. XO