This one phrase helped me to overcome emotional eating Back in 2020 when I was at my peak weight of almost 200lbs, emotional and binge eating was a major problem in my life. It was something I struggled to overcome…FOR...
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It was last year about this same time…late July / early August…I was on a plane headed from Las Vegas to Burbank and something happened I will never forget. I sat down in my seat prior to the plane taking...
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I will start when I’m ready How many times have we told ourselves this? And there there’s: When I feel motivated When I have the perfect plan When the timing is right When I have the confidence to know I...
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This is the one word I took out of my vocabulary….forever Tonight, I’m going to dinner to celebrate the birthday of my neighbor. We will call him “Dave” although that’s not his real name. Dave’s actual age is a bit...
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Like many of you...I had tried all of the diets and programs out there...over a period of a couple decades. And, the result was always the same...I'd experience short term weight loss but it would inevitably come back and I'd...
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