Three Specific Mindset Shifts to Achieve Lasting Results

Three Specific Mindset Shifts to Achieve Lasting Results
Like many of you...I had tried all of the diets and programs out there...over a period of a couple decades. 
And, the result was always the same...I'd experience short term weight loss but it would inevitably come back and I'd often end up even heavier than when I started out. 
This time was different. 
Here's how I finally made a change to last a lifetime:
FIRST....I made a DECISION that I was going to change my life.  And I do not mean a casual decision. This was a no turning back, line in the sand, nothing standing in my way kind of a decision!
I was FED UP
Fed up with feeling awful
With not recognizing my body
With having zero energy 
With not feeling like...ME
And, I wanted this change more than anything I have every wanted
I was willing to be RELENTLESS to get it
This decision has to be one that you are making a deep commitment to with every fiber of your being
TWO....I created a VISION
I wrote down in detail exactly what my life would look like if I stepped into my goals....
What do I think about when my eyes open in the morning?
What is my energy like?
What are my relationships like? 
How do I show up in the world?
How does it feel to be in a strong body?
What is it like to be someone who is an ATHLETE?
What's my excitement level or my day?
What are my HABITS?
I mean...everything. Every detail of what it would be like to be this person. 
And, I focused on this vision every day. 
It became my NORTH STAR
And when things become tough...because they will...I went back to this vision and it kept me on the path.
I could so clearly imagine me in this goal that it felt TANGIBLE
I wanted it
I was determined to achieve it
You see, I was always an all or nothing kind of a person
If I was going to do something, I was going to do it all the way and perfectly, or I didn't want to do it at all
In the past, if I started something and I "messed up" which was inevitable because well...I'm human!...I would just quit.  If I ate some chocolate for example on impulse, I may as well just eat whatever else I want and quit because I've already ruined everything.  (This was the thought pattern)
Can you relate?
But, you know what? That was my excuse for not being all in. 
Truly, looking back, this was a crutch for me.
This time...I allowed myself to be imperfect and I gave myself GRACE
If I fell down and went off plan, I got right back on the next day
And, I didn't beat myself up about it
I allowed myself to be imperfect but to KEEP GOING
And this made all the difference. Consistency beats perfection every time.